Complete Funeral set: Funeral pall and chasuble
( number of products: 2 )Whilst the funeral service is considered a demure and reserved event, the funeral is also a ceremony and should be dressed for appropriately. The appropriate chasuble should be selected by the overseeing priest or bishop present and does not have to be black to reflect the event. In fact, a funeral can be quite a grand occasion, simultaneously aligning the mourning congregation with the celebration of a life well lived and with the coming together of a community or parish to say goodbye to a loved one. We will be discussing here the funeral set, the funeral pall and the chasuble and the roles thereof in the service. You can find high quality funeral sets at They are perfect for celebrating the life of the recently departed.
The Chasuble
Originating from humble roots, chasubles have developed from an ancient poncho that was worn by Roman farmers to protect them from the weather as they went about their duties. No doubt the ponchos of old were simple items, to increase the functionality that was needed for the time. The chasubles of today, however, are similar only in shape. A chasuble is the long and billowy garment that clergymen wear to say Mass and other services. They can sometimes be colourful and are often adorned with ecclesiastical symbols.
Chasubles are some of the most common vestments used, worn over the priests' clothes during services; they are probably the most recognizable garment from the catalog of vestments available. Often featuring beautiful and bright golden embroidery or patterns, and intricate liturgical designs, a chasuble stands out as uniquely grand and beautiful.
Funeral chasubles can be selected a variety of different ways, mainly at the discretion of the priest that will lead the service. However, some priests opt to take a pastoral approach to the Mass, by speaking with the family of the deceased to explain the available options. Usually white is worn, but priests also have the options to wear black or purple instead. The black robes are to signify mourning, and to remind the congregation to pray for the dead. The purple robes symbolize Christ, and his sacrifice for us during his passion.
Funeral Pall
A pall is the Latin word for cloak and is the name of the ornate cloth that is used to cover the coffin or casket during the funeral service. The funeral pall has transitioned through several different variations across the centuries, for example in the middle ages they were commonly brightly coloured and in the modern day they are usually white. The exact variations however differ between culture and religion. Palls are usually ornate and embellished, patterned and grand and are often depicted with a large cross running the entire length of the cloth - this signifies Christ's triumph over sin and death on the cross.
Commonly the pall remains covering the coffin or casket throughout the church service and is only removed at the graveside before the actual burial, or when the coffin passes through a curtain during a cremation.
It is common practice to have a matching funeral pall and chasuble as a complete funeral set, to create a cohesive look during the ceremony.
To Conclude
A funeral is never an occasion that is looked forward to, but funeral services are an unavoidable part of the day to day duties of members of the clergy. A priest's duty is to lead his parish to the word of God during the good times as well as the bad, therefore funeral services will be included in the schedule of the church. Every priest and church will have a complete funeral set within the wardrobe, including a matching funeral pall and chasuble, to ensure that they can carry out their duties to the congregation and the parish.