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IdoSell Trusted Reviews
4.72 / 5.00 526 reviews
IdoSell Trusted Reviews
I am perfectly happy with the actual product, in fact it is beautiful and just as I'd expected however, I was very upset and shocked to learn 30 minutes before it was due to be delivered that there was a £50 customs fee to pay before I could take delivery of it! I realise that since the UK took the (unfortunate) step to leave the EU that this is now common but for those of us that don't often buy from abroad it would be helpful if you could mention this some where in the ordering process. This has added 25% extra to the cost of the cloth! Thank you
I received the order remarkably fast, and found both the blue chasuble and stole - to be given as a gift to a colleague and the marriage stole I had purchased for myself were BOTH of the usual superb quality and craftsmanship that, to me, is the hallmark of Ackermann craftsmanship!! Many thanks for your help with this order. Rev. John H. Olsson, III, Episcopal Priest, Diocese of Massachusetts, USA.